If you have any second thoughts about how to make money as a cam girl, know that you can do it almost any way you want. While no one can guarantee that all the methods would pay equally, or even pay at all, there is a lot of flexibility in the webcam industry.
How Do Cam Sites Make Money?
I think that most dudes on the internet, and just about all with any interest whatsoever in adult entertainment, know about cam sites. Many will have visited and checked them out themselves. That’s not surprising, because cam sites are pretty awesome places: They’re like strip clubs on your computer, and they can totally rock your ballsack.
And yet, while pretty much anyone could explain a strip club’s business model with varying degrees of accuracy, there seems to be a lot of confusion out there as to how cam sites make money. So I wanted to cover that today, and explain exactly how these platforms bring in the bucks that they do.