Putting up your own paysite can be extremely lucrative. Imagine having hundreds of subscribers paying $19 to $29 per month to access the video and image content you’ve already produced. Having this type of subscription-based recurring income is what passive money machines are all about.
The main problem, though, is that putting up a paysite can involve a LOT of work, and you’ll most likely need to hire a webmaster, a designer, and deal directly with credit card processors, which can be a real pain in the patookie.
Well, with Model Centro, all of that is taken care of for you! You won’t need to worry about any of these headaches because their super simple website builder will allow you to create your site from scratch without any help. The designs look sweet, and there’s no dealing with credit card processors. This is a great way for newer models to get into the paysite game without having to layout huge sums of money or hire techies. Highly recommended for those of you looking for a nearly 100% passive income source.
Signup for Your Model Centro Site Here!