If you’re an online marketer, how do you make money off of something that’s readily available all over the internet for free? Sounds like a pretty silly question, but it’s exactly the problem faced by everyone who runs an adult website today. After all, generally speaking, it’s difficult to get away with charging money for porn in the age of the internet.
Alright, vast oversimplification with a ton of important qualifiers, but no one is gonna sit there with a straight face and tell me that the adult entertainment industry hasn’t changed big-time in just a few decades.
ATTENTION: If you’re an adult webmaster or online marketer, and you want to know the best way to make money with porn on the internet, listen up. I’ll be revealing the best method currently being used by savvy marketers to haul in serious cash from funky content.
It used to be that just about anyone could make a killing on either end of this business: A producer pays a suitably attractive cast of women and men to get it on for the camera, and ends up showing a luscious profit from video rentals. Pretty good deal for everyone.
But I think we all know what happened next: The porn tube sites started giving the product away for literally nothing, and the stopper was pulled on a very big, smutty bathtub. End of the line for making money in this industry; the professional producers would need to find something else to do, and while surely there would still be porn, the only people making it would be amateurs doing it for fun.
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Porn Tubes and Ad Revenue Sharing
Ahh, but the industry proved resilient, and those porn tubes became booming businesses in their own right. How were they able to succeed despite sitting there giving stuff away for free? Through advertising on their sites – sure, you can watch porn at no cost there, but you have to look at banners and watch a commercial first. The metrics on these kinds of ads are terrible, but adult traffic is truly huge. There’s money there, and a lot of it.
So much, in fact, that one of the ways in which adult marketers can make money off porn nowadays is by piggy-backing off the tube sites. Their ad revenues are driven by adult traffic, and adult traffic is driven by the availability of porn, so they’ve begun offering ad share programs for those who upload content to their platform.
On major porn tubes like PornHub, content creators can receive a share of the money generated by the ad views on their videos. Some channels do very well financially under this arrangement.
Put a scene up on PornHub, for example, and you get a share of the ad money that’s generated by people viewing that scene. Many adult marketers and content creators are doing very well this way.
Trouble is, the venture is extremely costly, risky, and time-consuming. First, you have to invest in good video equipment and adult talent (and know how to film, of course). Then, after you’ve spent the money and are producing a steady stream of content, you have to wait. Maybe months, maybe years…maybe forever.
See, these porn tubes are fickle. Your videos, and you’ll need a lot of them, might sit there for literally ever with no meaningful adult traffic, unless you’re able to ignite them virally somehow. It could work if you’ve already got a huge social media following you can use to jump-start views and “seed” the videos, but if not and lady luck doesn’t visit you, you can kiss your investment goodbye. Most people will probably find this not worth the risk.
Premium Snapchat Porn
Another option for adult marketers is premium Snapchat accounts. These are used by cam girls, porn stars, strippers, and other performers in the adult entertainment industry. I won’t go into a ton of detail on them here, because they’re really not our focus today. I’ll just briefly tell you that the girls who run them post nude and explicit content there, and sell subscriptions to their fans.
Many adult models and performers run premium Snapchat accounts, which contain explicit snaps and offer interactivity between model and viewer. Subscriptions are typically sold for between $10 and $40 per month.
They do pretty well, and so can marketers who help them maintain and expand their lucrative social media presence. Unfortunately, premium Snapchat accounts are really only an attractive option for marketers who know adult models who will work with them. So unless you personally know a porn star or cam girl, you should probably look elsewhere.
Fetish Porn Blogs
Your best bet for making money from porn is to run an adult website with a fetish sex blog. In this model, you regularly write content (or pay someone to write it for you) about a particular sexual fetish, and use it to keep your blog consistently updated with fresh material.
Google’s algorithm is pretty picky, but if you have a catchy domain name, well-written material, and a quality webhost, your adult website will steadily gain rankings on the search engine. This will bring you traffic, and traffic can be monetized via affiliate programs.
Right now, the best way to make money with internet porn is to put up fetish blogs. They’re low-cost, and the eventual search traffic that comes is pretty steady. A great passive income option.
This just means you’ll sign up with online vendors who are selling products related to your sex niche of choice, and embed ads for their stuff on your blog. Every time someone clicks through and buys something, you get a commission. You can find some good adult sponsors here for various micro-niches, once you know which kink you want to target.
Just remember, you absolutely HAVE to select a narrow sexual fetish and stick to that, rather than writing vanilla articles about sex in general. For one thing, there’s too much competition if you don’t focus on a micro-niche. And for another, people will pay for products related to a particular fetish; we already know they won’t easily pay for vanilla porn. Keep this in mind.
To set up your adult website, you’re going to want to install and use WordPress. This is a content management system (CMS) that vastly simplifies the process of creating your site. It has a simple point and click interface that eliminates the need to ever write a single line of code. And don’t worry, I’m not selling WordPress; nobody is. It’s free.
Setting it up is pretty easy. This particular CMS is so commonly used, most webhosts will automatically install it for you, or have it setup for one-click installs. You name your site, setup some plugins for SEO and security, and you’re good to go. That’s pretty much all there is to it; do that, and you’ll be able to start putting your site together like the pros.
Running an adult website for profit like this doesn’t require a sizable investment at all – color me surprised if you spend more than $100 for the whole shebang. All you’ll really need is patience. Put together a good site and the Google rankings will come, but they’ll probably come slowly.
It can take up to six months or more for web-surfers to start seeing you pop up regularly, and for the traffic to really pour in. During that time, of course, you’ve got to keep your site fresh with new, original content, so Google doesn’t think you’ve gone stale. But it’s more than worth it. Think of this business model as asking you to invest time rather than money – but your payoff is still in cold, hard cash.
I should emphasize, though, that no adult website can succeed without a high-quality and FAST webhost. Remember how picky I said Google’s algorithm can be? It will penalize you if (among other things) your site takes too long to load, so don’t give it that to complain about.
Make sure you’ve got a good host that will treat Google right, and your traffic will be on its way. There’s some real money out there to be made in this industry, guys; go and get yourself some!