How To Make Money as A Stripper


Making Money as a Stripper or Exotic Dancer
In our current age of female empowerment and overcoming the prudishness of the past, a lot of women are exploring the possibility of making money as a stripper. It’s no wonder: You can pull down some pretty serious bank in the “exotic dancing” profession; do well on the pole, and you can pay for college while putting some cheddar away for later on when it’s time to change careers.

But this job isn’t as simple or straightforward as it may first appear. Today, I’d like to get into what it takes to make money stripping, and share the experiences of a young Youtuber named Lydia Love to see what it’s really like in those strip clubs. Towards the end, I also want to tell you about an amazing stripping “hack” that basically allows you to strip from home!

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Stripper Salary Facts


Stripper salary information - How much money do they earn?
Many young women find themselves drawn to exotic dancing, lured by tales of the outlandish stripper salary that falls into your lap the moment you agree to take off your clothes onstage. It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that the truth isn’t as simple as all that, but this is still an extremely lucrative industry that can very well connect outgoing, attractive women with the kind of income they’d be hard-pressed to command in a more “normal” job.

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